Therapy Services

Why Therapy?

We see the potential in every child for success! We understand this can be a daily challenge and it’s hard to carry the weight of constantly helping your child and feeling responsible for them achieving new milestones. We want TheraPlay Spot to be a place of hope and support to bring your child to. We believe that therapy is not only helpful for your child but for your family as well. We encourage parents to be active participants in our therapy sessions. Our therapists may demonstrate something to you and then ask you to demonstrate it back. This enables parents to carry out effective activities at home with their child. Parents are their children’s biggest cheerleaders—and one of our main goals is to help you learn how to encourage and empower your child to advance to their next milestone.

Occupational Therapy

Pediatric occupational therapy is a holistic treatment that helps develop sensory-motor skills needed for functional independence at school, home, and community.

  • Fine motor skills (grasping, coloring, cutting, writing)
  • Activities of daily living (dressing, toothbrushing, eating)
  • Visual-motor skills (eye-hand coordination)
  • Visual perceptual skills (visual tracking)
  • Cognitive/Executive functioning skills
  • Sensory processing skills (over- or under-responding to environmental stimuli)
  • Emotional self-regulation
  • Assessment of reflexes (involuntary movement patterns) that may impact the quality of movement

Speech and Language Therapy

Pediatric speech and language therapy helps children of all ages with various speech, language, and communication difficulties.

  • Articulation disorders
  • Communication challenges
  • Language processing
  • Swallowing/Feeding disorders
  • Social skills
  • Written expression
  • Executive functioning skills

During speech therapy for children, the SLP may interact through talking and playing, and using books, pictures other objects as part of language intervention to help stimulate language development, model correct sounds and syllables for a child during developmentally appropriate play.

Physical Therapy

Pediatric physical therapy is a gross motor therapy that helps develop the strength and functional motor skills needed to move through the environment easily and effectively.

  • Gross motor milestones (sitting, crawling, standing, walking, skipping)
  • Balance and coordination
  • Body awareness
  • Assessment for the need for orthotics (such as splints or braces)
  • Recommend adaptive equipment
  • Wheelchair and walker mobility

Feeding Therapy

Pediatric feeding therapy at TheraPlay Spot is primarily sensory based. These children may be severe picky eaters or may have significant food aversions. A food aversion is when a toddler or child refuses foods that are presented to him despite being developmentally appropriate. There are various factors that may play a role in the feeding experience, including sensory issues.

At TheraPlay Spot, both our OTs and SLPs can provide sensory-based feeding. Our SLPs can provide feeding therapy with oral-motor and swallowing concerns. We also have an OT who is trained to help breastfeeding mothers who have an infant with latching difficulties.

Signs and Symptoms


Signs and Symptoms Your Child Might Benefit From Pediatric OT or PT Services:

Fine Motor Skills

  • Switches hands or lack of a definite handedness after age 4
  • Awkward grasp on crayon, pencil, scissors, spoon, fork
  • Struggles/Avoids coloring in the lines, drawing shapes/letters, cutting with scissors
  • Hates handwriting (messy, disorganized, labored, or slow)
  • Wants help with buttons, snaps, zippers, shoelaces after age 5
  • Low muscle tone, "loose joints" in hands/fingers

Gross Motor Skills, Movement, Strength, Balance

  • Delayed motor milestones as a baby/toddler
  • Appears clumsy or uncoordinated; falls for “no reason”
  • Poor ball skills, difficulty jumping, hopping, skipping, or marching
  • Fearful of feet leaving the ground (such as swings, climbing)
  • Prefers to watch playground/gym games rather than participate
  • Can’t stand on one foot for 4 seconds after age 3
  • Needs assessment for orthotics such as splints or braces
  • Needs help with assistive devices, walkers, or wheelchairs

Visual Processing/Eye Muscles

  • Loses place when reading or copying from the board
  • Poor eye contact
  • Slow with finding objects among other objects
  • Difficulty with the concept of left and right
  • Writes reversals with numbers (i.e. 9 vs. P), letters (i.e. b vs. d), or words (i.e. saw vs. was)

Oral Motor/Oral Sensory

  • Drools when focused
  • Pockets food in cheeks without awareness
  • Excessively picky eater—only eats certain textures of food
  • Hates/Fights tooth brushing
  • Mouths toys or non-edible objects after age 2

Sensory Processing/Sensory Integration

  • Avoids playing with messy or sticky textures
  • Reacts aggressively if touched unexpectedly
  • Over-reacts to loud or unexpected sounds (covers ears, cries)
  • Uses too-hard or too-light pressure when touching objects
  • Constantly moves, jumps, bumps, crashes, or falls on purpose
  • Emotionally reactive, anxious, nervous, doesn’t like change
  • Unusually high pain tolerance (or opposite: high sensitivity to pain)
  • Accidentally breaks or knocks things over
  • Invades personal space of others without noticing
  • Fearful of or avoids swings and playground equipment
  • Awkward social skills with same-aged children
  • Has trouble coping in school environment or in community
  • Doesn’t have typical play skills

Learning Challenges

  • Can’t organize backpack, toys, or drawers without lots of help
  • Unable to focus on school learning; easily distracted
  • Difficulty following instructions and completing work without help
  • Tires easily with school work
  • Hyperactive, fidgety, constantly changes position or falls off of chair, gets up a lot
  • Takes notably longer to finish tabletop or written work than is expected
  • Reverses numbers or letters after age 7
